The Basics of Dominos


Originally, dominos were a mask, a cape, or a long hooded cloak. They also were a masquerade mask. However, their origin is unknown.

Traditionally, dominos were made of bone, ivory, or ebony. The most common set of dominos consists of double-six tiles with 28 pieces. There are also larger sets with 55 and 190 tiles. These sets are popular for games with multiple players. In addition, the Chinese domino set contains no blank faces, and each possible face of two thrown dice is represented by a domino. In addition, some larger sets use Arabic numerals instead of pips.

The game originated in Italy, but it eventually spread to France and Austria. In the mid-18th century, it was brought to England by French prisoners of war. The name “domino” first appeared in the Dictionnaire de Trevoux in 1771. It was later used in French literature, as well as in other countries.

A domino’s value is based on how many pips are on it. For example, in a game of Five-Up, each player tries to make the sum of the open-end pips on a layout multiple of five. This number counts towards the total of the hand. In some domino games, the pips are marked with a line in the middle. In other games, the pips are marked with an arrangement of spots. The player who makes the fewest pips wins the game.

Originally, dominos were made of ivory and black. They were also made of ebony and silver lip ocean pearl oyster shell. The game was popular in certain areas to avoid religious proscriptions against playing cards.

The most basic domino variant is a block-and-draw game, where the players take turns drawing seven tiles from a stock of tiles. Traditionally, European-style dominos were made of dark hardwood such as ebony. In addition, some European sets are made of a rigid material, such as plastic or wood.

There are several games that are based on the domino, but the most popular is the scoring game. Players are paired into teams of four and must use their tile to play a number that will total seven when added to an end. Typically, players are shuffled face-down on a table. The players then take turns placing their tiles on the edges of the table, or even in rows. In some games, the players must place their tiles into tricks. In other games, the players are trying to knock their opponents’ tiles down in long rows.

Other games include the concentration variant, where the player’s goal is to play the total pip count of a double-six set. This variant is similar to card game spades. In addition, the game can be played with several different combinations of colors.

Another game is 5s-and-3s, where the player tries to divide five or three into two tiles. In addition, there is a game called the “matador,” in which the player tries to play a number that will total seven if added to an end.